Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pops a couple days ago...

Here is Pops three days ago with the beautiful Hawaiian mountains in the back round.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pops in Hawaii!!

Pops is lovin' Hawaii right now!! Here is a picture of him a couple days ago.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nothing to tell about. :(

Well, there hasn't really been anything happening with Pops to update you about. He just got back from a vacation to Florida for Thanksgiving where he junked out on yummy foods. He is fixing to go to Hawaii in two days. There is a Gerson institute there that him and his wife are going to visit. We should see what happens from that. He is still drinking his carrot/apple drinks every day and we are changing out diet more for him. I don't know yet what he plans to do concerning dieting or surgery, but we are going to make our diet healthier. When we get back from Hawaii we are going to start making all of our snacks and planning more healthy meals. We were doing that but everything got put on hold for the Holidays and vacations. :( I can't wait until we can start doing it again.
That's all for now. I'll let you know what comes of being in Hawaii. :)

Pray for Pops music