Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Finally...the results...!!!

My dad went to the Urologist for an appointment at 3:30 this afternoon to find out what the results were for his scans. They were negative!!! The cancer hasn't spread to his bones. We are so happy!! I guess it was worth the waiting. Right now we are looking at all the options we can take to get rid of the cancer before it spreads. Most likely we are going with the healthy option. We still don't know exactly what it looks like.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Why do we have to wait??!!??....

Why is it that in everything we do we have to wait? Why can't things just happen with out the waiting? 
Right now my family is still waiting for the results of the CT and bone scan tests that were last Friday. Supposedly my dad has an appointment tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 to find out what the results were. I hate all the waiting in between!! Am I the only one? Why can't I just be okay with waiting? After all, it does seem like the story of my life. 
Well, I guess tomorrow we'll figure out what the results are and then I'll post it. For now I guess I'm going to do some more waiting! 

Friday, November 13, 2009

Update on scans

Pops went to get his scans done today. He has an appointment this Tuesday at 3:30pm, I think, to find out the results of the scans. I hate it that we have to wait to find out, but I am grateful that it is only until Tuesday not a week or more like all the rest.
I didn't get a chance to talk to Pops when he got home this afternoon about everything because he didn't get but a couple hours of sleep last night so he went right to bed. I hope to talk to him some time tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


My dad called the doctor yesterday and found out that he has a bone and CT scan this Friday the 13th. We won't get the results until the following Tuesday. I'll let y'all know what they are then.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pops' b-day party

We had a birthday party for Pops last night. All his girls and grandkids came out. We had loads of fun. We ate 
dinner which was Chicken Tetrazinni, one of Pops' favorites! My mom made him a peach pie, his ultimate fav 
dessert my sister Ariel made pumpkin pie, and my sister Ayala made Apple Betty. My family is all into fruit pies. Our parents were raised on that and raised us the same! After dinner my siblings and I did a skit for Pops. The 
skit was all about some of the funniest memories that Pops has of growing up, meeting my mom, and lost of other funny stories from work and war. I didn't get to take any pics of the skit because I was apart of it but a friend did 
so I will try to get them from her to put on here later. I did get pics of Pops' grandkids giving him gifts and singing him a song.

Grandkids singing REAL loud to Pops. Look at their mouths.

Pointing to Pops saying that he's the greatest!

                     Gifts to Pops

   Surprise! The boys had fun with this one!

          Pops is a very good sport!                

      This made the kids laugh! LOL!!

He had loads of fun...so did everybody else! We bought him a movie that his dad took him to watch when he was 10yrs old that he has been looking for for forever! It is called Tonka. We watched it with him. It was funny because at one point this horse jumps a small ditch and Pops said that he remembered it being a humongous ditch!

Well, I guess that's it for now. The doctor hasn't called with an appointment for Pops' tests yet. We are still waiting.

Friday, November 6, 2009

By the way...

Today is Pops' birthday!!!! Be sure to tell him Happy Birthday!!!!


Pops is supposed to be drinking 13 8oz glasses of fresh veges juiced every day!! We haven't had a juicer to

do that but someone from the village is letting us borrow his. It is a Champion, which is supposed to do the best! My mom just got done juicing pops' first cup of carrot/apple juice.

My mom bought 25lbs of fresh organic carrots last night.

She is going to be using these for his drinks. :)

Pops with the final result!! Hey...I think he likes it!! :) Well...he said he will get used to it. :) :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Looking for a healthier way of life...

We have recently been watching Food Matters and Food Inc to learn about what America does to our food and how bad it is for us. The movies have given us different things to eat and basically a different way of life. We have a movie called The Beautiful Truth that is coming in that will help us more. My dad is reading Gerson Therapy about how to cure cancer by eating the right foods and avoiding the rest. We are going to be totally changing our diet...I'm excited!! Ayala's family is moving in with mine in a few weeks and she is all for eating healthy and really wants to get our whole house buying only the freshest and healthiest foods!

We haven't heard from the doctor about when Pops' next appointment is. He said it would probably be around Friday, tomorrow. I'll update you when we find out.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Still waiting...

Well, we haven't heard anything new yet. We are waiting for the doctor's office to call my dad with an appointment for a CT scan and a bone scan. This way they can tell if the cancer has spread to his bones or not. We are praying that it hasn't! It is terrible not to know anything. All we can do is put it all in God's hands and know that He knows best.
Thank you everybody for your prays!
I'll blog next when we get a date for the appointment.

BTW-Pops' birthday is on the 6th of this month, just four days away. He will be 60 years old!!

Pray for Pops music